Since my Crow-World was rocked, I have not seen CD. But I have seen Three - and when I feed him I think I am presumably supporting CD. Though I am worried about Droopy. That said, though mainly I have seen Three alone, one day there were two crows. I rushed across, hoping it was CD. But both were flighty. I could tell which was Three... but the other did not look like Droopy. So I was a little concerned. What is Three up to? Unless CD was having an illicit liaison with Three and is actually bonded with Droopy? I don't know.
Nearly every day I have seen Mr Fluffy. He is so funny. His legs seem short and his body so well-endowed. He walks around like Friar Tuck! He is adorable.
And I have also seen Diva occasionally and Divo more often.
I love this crow!

Here he is running over for the treats and in the following video, is eating them.
On the whole they are very quiet - as June Hunter (who has recently published a book on city crows) predicted.
I did find this in the park...

Dad says this may have been the prey of a raptor... I have seen kites and buzzards here, but they are both carrion eaters. I imagine a few bird and mammal people will finish off the meal.