I was not picked out for special treatment: the very lovely David had put a tasty chew and a little note on everyone's desks.
The production management team know that the hours will be long, the commute can be a pain, the process of getting pieces cleared by the various levels of bosses can be trying and of course people may miss friends and family. They may suffer nicotine withdrawal. They may have fathers in hospital. They may really really really want to go home.
They take care of us - organising lateral flow tests and headphones, finding monitors and doctors, offering comfort and support. And this time, that little extra - the morning sweets.
It's such an incredibly sweet thing to do. Such a sweet thing to think of. To bother. Cutting up the paper strips and laying them on the desks.
There are a few more COVID cases. Me, I decided I'd done too many sets of the workout Leanne sent me. Would I get vegan food in my hotel room for a week? That could so easily get lost in translation. Though I think Amud at breakfast now understands why I ask for almond milk.
I'll stop fretting.
There are controversies surrounding this World Cup as all but a mole in a hole would know. I wonder what would happen if the ethos of a competition staged in the UK or USA was all about sustainable agriculture (cutting down meat eating dramatically, if not to zero), anti-consumerism; banning fossil fuels; liberation for animals... I mean, the things I believe in... Judging by how defensive people get when you mention any of those, I imagine that imaginary event would be described as 'controversial' too.
What I mean is that we take our damaging values seriously, we are protective of them, defensive about them. Doesn't mean they're right.
In my sweetiverse, we'd all be a bit more humble, more open-minded and more concerned about the earth outside our borders, the beings outside our species.