The crows are becoming less visible. Apparently, at nesting time, they don't want anyone to see them fly home.
But I did get a chance to see CD and determine that he was less lame, thank goodness.
That video was taken a few days ago and I have not seen him since. Only Three has been on the lookout for food.
This crow, though, is making a habit of stealing the food Leanne leaves out for the foxes and badgers.

She says she hates him!
What a great 'caught in the act' image! No court of law could pronounce him anything other than guilty.
Happy to see the video of dear CD in action and Leanne's photo is a hoot! I see there's another crow in the background. Does she think there's only one thief? I didn't know a crow's mouth could open that wide. Almost like a snake's :-D