Not a lot to say BUT I have twice seen three Crows where there are usually only two.
One day Divo and Diva had a smaller Crow with them. I felt sure this was a juvenile! But when I put out the food, the juvenile left, though Divo and Diva partook with gusto.
The next day there were three in the Brave Three's place. Often I have seen Three, sometimes Droopy and sometimes both.
I was super excited - hoping that Seeds was back!
But as I walked over, all thrilled and joyous, all three took off. I watched them go and couldn't tell who was who or if one was Seeds or one was clearly smaller or flying in the rather clumsy way of the juvenile.
I left food and Droopy came back. Her foot seems mostly better, but she still favours the other.
Today, no sign of the Fluffies - whom I hadn't seen for a couple of days. More alarmingly, Divo... or Diva... I think Diva... went to bury food on the Fluffies' patch. That would not have been allowed had they been there.
Also no sign of the Flyings for a few days.
The Driveways are usually there, and getting braver. I saw the Playgrounds, whom I seldom see, but they were flying into a lot of cover. I left food but didn't see them take it.
All rather unsatisfactory.