That I had these two not very good pictures of CD (the one on the front page and this one).

And that I had not reported something special.
One day I put cheesy bits in the crook of a tree, a narrow gap where a branch rose from the trunk. CD watched me from the tree, but did not deign to get the treat. Instead, he flew down to where some peanuts remained and proceeded to open them.
Never mind, I thought, and started to walk away.
But my peripheral vision flashed when I was a few yards off.
A black shape in the tree. He was very carefully sideways stepping down the steep branch into the narrow angle where the cheesy bits were. He had to move slowly... like a person down a steep icy hill. In the crook of the branch, he was encased by wood, but managed to get the bits in his beak and launch himself back to the ground.
This demonstrates various things.
1) That CD could remember, without being able to see, where the cheesy bits were. On the ground he could not possibly have seen them.
2) That he knew how tricky it would be to get to them - he could predict the challenge and did not want to be caught in an awkward position when I was close by.
3) That he could distract me or pretend to ignore or to be ignorant of the treats by flying down to the peanuts.
All this is remarkable, don't you think?