Divo and Diva were the sole recipients of food today and I enjoyed watching them.
Diva looks rather bedraggled and appears itchy, as you'll see in this video.
As for Divo, I didn't realise I had the slomo setting on when I filmed this. He was off to cache his treats.
Synchronistically, as I was writing this, CC sent me a crow haiku:
branches undulate
two crows keep cool in leaf shade
-- blue through green
Still no sign of young crows - which is odd as I have seen young crows elsewhere. No sign of White Wing, Grey Wing and Dark Wing either, though I do still see Four occasionally. Always with one of his parents.
In the garden, Son of Bob has become a little less approachable. No one is feeding from my hand.
My closest... not in distance but in spirit... encounter with a bird of late was a buzzard who circled over me. He was stunning against the blue sky with the sun seeming to shine through his wings. I think he was disappointed that I wasn't dead.
It was fun watching the slow-mo action of Divo especially, who looked like he was in a hurry. Your last line about the buzzard made me guffaw.