I returned to the cool tree I discovered the other day.
I sat up there for some time thinking about a project that I am working on.
It's about animals and language, communication between species. I am writing about CD and Bobbit and the other garden creatures. I'm using film from my iPhone and the trail camera.
One issue I have is the way that cameras invade privacy. They can objectify the other. They can become a commodity - another video on my YouTube feed, to spool in subscribers and get comments. They can be amusing - when the animals might have been scared or confused. They can trivialise.
Another concern is this: who am I to interpret what an animal intends to communicate? What right do I have to put words in their mouths?
As I sat in the tree I felt an answer.
And here, recorded, is that answer... along with the lovely birds.
Raising questions. Encouraging awareness of already shared spaces. Feels worthwhile to me xx