So, the blue tits aren't so very odd.
The dunnocks are - with their "semaphore" wing flirtation.

And the robins... I can't work out what's courtship, what's aggression... even though there's a chirruping I associate with "conversation with a mate" and a trill I associate with courtship and an angry song with territorial disputes and a spitting phrase related to aggression. But I have no idea of the actors in these dramas.
A different robin was singing on Tane's next door tree.

Then I saw Tane calming close to a second robin. Then I saw a chase. It's all tumult and confusion.
These are the two blackbirds who are always together, but I don't know why. The one in the foreground seems to be trying to flee the other one. But can never manage to break fully free.

Here a tit is anxious as I am watching - the head all smooth and eye wide.

Like last year, there is one very minuscule blue tit. This time of year, they must all be adults, but this one is smaller than a coal tit. That is odd.
Hope you can find out more about the "miniscule" blue tit. 🤔I like that photo of the tit at the feeder giving you the eye!