Yesterday I went to the park without the dog. The crows did not approve. I saw the Flying Two and the Fluffy Heads but they weren't incredibly sure of me.
Today, the dog accompanied me. Everyone was much happier. The Flying Two gave me a big welcome, flying around my head this morning - so much so that a passer-by commented upon it, saying, 'They're waiting for you!'
The latest news is that Cool Dude recently defended the Fluffy Heads from the Flying Two - this is odd as the Fluffies have had a bit of a go at CD, who will come closer to me to avoid their 'attacks'. I put that in '' because it's not really very aggressive - more making a point than causing real harm. Then, CD was frolicking with the Flying Two - not in the chase behaviour where the pair are chasing CD off their patch, but in a more general way.
So I started wondering if there are many siblings and uncles and stuff around the rec so that crows do have some bond with each other - so long as they're not competing for food.
This afternoon, the Feisty Gang were around - five of them all together. I saw one of them carefully covering nuts with fallen leaves. One of them spends a lot of time inspecting the sky, as though looking out for predators. That's the only crow I've seen doing that. They're pretty brave with me - not as brave as the Fluffy Heads, though.

I also saw the Brave Two and the Driveway Duo. The DD's spotter was on the lamppost - making his presence obvious. When I threw down the nuts, he just dropped down in the most dramatic way - like a drop or jump rather than flight. Of course, he had his wings spread so he didn't crash to the ground.
I didn't see CD today. The photo was taken a few days ago when she was obsessively breaking up a bit of wood. I don't know if there were bugs in it or whether she just liked pulling it apart.
That's it. Up to date on the park life.
AND I was very interested hearing about the crows liking the dog! :-)
Good report! Who are the two crows in the post photo?