Near the Mother Oak, a lot of trees have been felled. Mainly pines, birches, and a sycamore. Also maybe an oak. I had reported trees here with the early signs of Acute Oak Decline, but now they are given space and light and reduced competition, the oaks look to be healing.
This harks back to the unsentimental lore of the oaks. They seemed happy with their increased freedom; they certainly were NOT grieving for their felled former colleagues.
This is on a golf course... I had seen local tree surgeon people doing training on the trees around here. They had left the wood. I imagine it'll stay there for the beetles.
This tree had grown in a particularly unusual fashion to get out of the shade created by the now felled trees. It'll be interesting to see if it starts to send up big shoots from the almost horizontal trunk.

Good example of benefits of "tough love", reducing competition esp. for essential sunlight. Those are dramatic pictures of the growth rings in the cut wood.