I was walking back from trying to feed the Fluffies (more of which later) when I saw someone flying away from the Divos with this in his beak. The Divos gave chase and I saw something large and dark fall from the sky. As the Brave Three are a three and the Divos are a two, they all opted to just all land and look at each other - after the Brave Three had roughed up Divo a bit.
I went over and found the glove. I was sure that it must have been CD who'd snapped up the prize. But when I hid a dog treat in the glove, CD was very wary of touching it. He did snatch out the treat, but I started to wonder if he'd been the thief after all.
In the morning, I'd given him a big dog treat which he buried and in the afternoon I saw Three unearth it and hop away. Hmm, I thought. Maybe Three and Droopy have their own levels of naughtiness, it's just that I don't see so much of it.
They are such novelty seekers. CD spent five minutes tearing up a bit of paper wrapping. Seemingly just for the heck of it. And why steal a glove or tease seagulls if not to simply experiment with living?
Back to the Fluffies. I'd not seen them much for a few weeks. Maybe just once in a fortnight. Then they were there. I hurried down with suet pellets - their treat of choice - and saw that they were more nervous than they had been. Worse, I saw that Mr Fluffy was limping badly.
The Fluffies had never been aggressive, they'd hop and make themselves big to discourage raiders. But now, as Mr Fluffy can't hop, they have to fly. They have also been the closest pair - eating together with less signs of hierarchy. Mr F might go first, but he never, unlike Divo, chased his mate off. Nor did they take turns like the Flying Two.
Here they are eating suet.

As they are now so wary, I couldn't get closer. I have seen them three times since and made sure to give them a lot of suet pellets as well as cat food and peanuts.
I love Mr Fluffy and hope he gets through this.